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Members of Insulators Local 50 experience both financial security and job satisfaction while achieving a rewarding career…

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Get all the advantages that come with being a contractor of the Heat & Frost Insulators Local 50….

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Documents, downloads, photo galleries and more exclusively for the Heat & Frost Insulators Local 50 Members….

Become an Apprentice

Through J.A.T.C. apprenticeship, our highly effective and modern training program, you can enter the insulation industry and become a professional in one of our skilled trades…

International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local 50 represents more than 200 of the best trained and most qualified insulation industry professionals across central Ohio.

Our Territory

Our vast jurisdiction extends from the eastern to western borders of the state of Ohio and two counties in Indiana.


Insulators Local 50 can be found working all across central Ohio on a wide variety of construction insulation and maintenance projects…

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