Business Manager Poteet appeared on national pro-union podcast

Dan Poteet, Insulators Local 50 Business Manager joined The America’s Work Force Union Podcast to update host Ed “Flash” Ferenc about Local 50’s recruitment efforts. 

Although there are specifics Poteet cannot disclose right now, he started the podcast off by saying he doesn’t see anything but good things on the horizon. The workload and the Local’s membership count are both up. 

“I will say we anticipate a pretty substantial increase from first-year apprentices to journeymen,” Poteet said. “We anticipate we will increase our pension contributions and as far as having the freedom to share it, everything looks very positive for the current and future members of our Local.” 

Poteet then told Ferenc about the recruitment campaign Local 50 is doing with assistance from BMA Media Group

“It’s been incredible,” he said. “We’ve had more than 1,800 leads contact us through this marketing campaign.”

Local 50 has been able to secure 55 new members in the last couple of months, Poteet said, adding that both contractors and members are excited about the Local’s growth.  

“Local 50 is more diverse today than we’ve ever been,” Poteet said. “At our last union meeting, we swore in 11 new people, which is a huge group for us to swear in.”

Poteet said the recruitment and outreach to underserved communities has been incredible and watching so many people’s lives change for the better and bringing people in who have never had medical benefits or any type of retirement has been rewarding. 

Local 50 member Darla Reed, who was on the AWF a couple of weeks ago, was recently named the first female officer for the Local.

“The opportunities for everyone, regardless of race or gender, are wide open here at Local 50, and it is a really beautiful thing to watch,” Poteet said. 

Local 50 continues to grow

Currently, Local 50 has about 260 members. By the end of the year, Poteet estimates Local 50 will be up to 320 members. 

“I am very comfortable in saying the next five to seven years, we have a chance to go from a 220 member Local to a 350 member Local,” Poteet said. 

Local 50 has work in Brookville, on the western side of its jurisdiction, as well as work at the DMAX facility for General Motors in New Albany and the Honda battery plant in Fayette County.  

There are roughly 50 HFIAW members from other Locals working in the jurisdiction, but Poteet said another 30 are needed. 

Poteet was recently discussing manhours for the Honda battery plant. He estimates the project will require 120 members and 40 percent of the Insulators will be traveling members from across the country.  

Listen to the full interview: 

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